490 Families Receive Shelter Repair and Hygiene Kits
“This first disaster response effort intensifies our effort to achieve our goal to assist families to be better prepared when disaster trikes. Siem Reap is one of the five largely affected areas by the monsoon flooding this year however, the project requires more funding to each out to more vulnerable families affected in other provinces,” says Bernadette Bolo-Duthy, HFH Cambodia Country Director.
Noun Sarun, a 26-year old mother from Pouk, watched her stilt house fall on the ground due to the strong winds. When asked about her experience she said, “I ran out of the house carrying my son when I felt that our house was about to plunge and we settled in my parents house near the road while the floor and roof were still in tact and before the flood water started to rise.”
Another beneficiary from Angkor Chum district, Hem Yok said during the distribution “I am happy that I am able to receive help. I will now be able to use them to repair my house, and my children will be safer again.”
The district governors of Angkor Chum and Pouk attended the distribution along with local authorities and representative of Cambodian Red Cross. They expressed their thanks to the support provided by Habitat for Humanity United Kingdom and Jersey Overseas Aid Commission.
During the distribution, HFHC also provided a short talk about how they can properly make use of their new tools and on maintaining proper hygiene in their homes.