BTB Infrastructure Plan Approved

Significant developments of the Battambang project are well underway as the infrastructure plans have recently been approved by the Battambang provincial governor.
The one-year extension of the Strategic Civil Society-Government Partnership to Deliver Land Tenure Security (SCSGPDTS) has allowed the project to complete the infrastructure design including cross-roads and drainage systems for the project site. 4 model house designs and the design of community center have also been completed. The accomplishments were then approved by the Battambang governor affirming its continued support to the progress of the project.
Along with this development, the project team has finalized the data collection of families living within the project site – families living in the site before the cut-off date of October 1997, families who lived there from the cutoff date and families that own a piece of land but do not have a house. The total number of families recorded is 334. Likewise, the governor has officially acknowledged the results of the survey as well as the land and house allocation maps of the existing settlements.
The finalized designs and road mapping were made for the Garden Area (94.500 m2) that will serve as villagers’ formal residence, which
will also have community centers, workshops and a park. The project documents have now been submitted to Dr. Sareth Boramy, Director of LASED Program for the approval of Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction.
The accomplishments of the project were highlighted during the Mid-term review conducted by the World Bank on 13 – 14 October as part of the regular evaluation of the Strengthening Civil Society-Government Partnership to Deliver Land Tenure Security (SCSGPDTS) project on Social Land Concession.
The program team is now preparing to organize community meetings to discuss the re-blocking plans, house construction and the
strengthening of their saving groups.