A new chance for Hour Moch
Hour Moch and her family moved into their new home six months ago, she is a single mother and widow with three daughters. All five members are happy and in good health. Moch says she is thrilled with her new home and that, “now I am not concerned about paying room rental nor living in an unsafe place.” Furthermore, the neighbors are great, says Moch and always take care of each other.
Moch’s oldest daughter Sreyleak and her husband Sokrim work as fabric workers in the house getting an income of US$10 per day. In addition her other daughters, Sreyleak and Sreylen, are working as factory workers; generating an income of US$150 each per month. From this Moch is able to save US$ 200 per month.
Compared to their previous situation life is far better for Moch and her family. Moch provided laundry service with an income of US$ 2.50 per day. Now Habitat for Humanity Cambodia has built their new house, the family has a place where they can all live together. The house, with electricity connected, from the state grid also gives her children.
In their freshly painted house, thanks to World Habitat Day community build, the family can now look to increase their income and have started to increase their work at home, offering piecemeal labor to garment factories. The family has purchased two sewing machines to help them undertake more work. Moch reports that she is pleased by this development, adding that “we are happy to be who we are now. We have our own home and our real house, a safe place to live a stress free life.”