Battambang Project Progresses to the Next Level
HFH Cambodia’s Strengthening Civil Society Government Partnership to Deliver Secure Land Tenure Project and its partners from the local authorities are now able to make an immense move of providing legal land plots to families in O-kchheay, 13 Makara, Chamkar Russei Villages, Prek Preah Sdach Commune, Battambang Province.
By this July, 115 out of the total 300 land plots have completed the land demarcation, in which 80 of the plots have finished soil filling. To support 50 other families in planning for the construction of their new houses, the project has provided them with 50 types of house designs. The families are now almost complete with their construction. Mr. Has Phina, the Community Representative and also a member of the savings group in O-Kcheay Community shared while watching his house construction, “I am now able to really build a decent house for my family on my own private and legal land plot provided by the government. Through this project, our community was also provided with good infrastructures. We feel safer from natural disasters especially floods and we can easy access work, housing kits, form saving groups to support the communities. We were also taught about land rights, management and others.”
Since its start in 2008, Habitat Cambodia’s land advocacy project is indeed beginning to experience its outcomes of facilitating the government’s provision of secure land titles, of building safe, decent and affordable homes and in helping build stable lives along with its donor, World Bank.
HFH Cambodia also initiated the Basic Construction Training to thirteen skilled workers in Battambang to provide them the useful guidelines in building proficiency. Soon, the project site will be ready to host Global Village teams for house building and many more.