Battambang Soil Filling Update
Secure land ownership and suitable housing is well on the way for 77 families currently living in informal settlements in Battambang City, following the receipt of 82 plots of land from the Battambang Municipality.
Habitat for Humanity Cambodia’s program team in Battambang has begun its soil-filling activities and, to date, 30 plots have been filled in O’ Khcheay Village, Prek Preah Sdach as part of the phase.
The construction of a drainage system is also in progress, and the program team is working closely with the Battambang authority to conduct the family selection process. The team is also working closely with the newly appointed Municipal Technical Working Group (MTWG) in its land demarcation process within the 82 plots.
The 77 families were identified from 11 informal settlement communities in three prioritized Communes – Ratanak, Svay Por and Prek Preah Sdach Commune. The individual family assessment and land application processing prior to moving to the project site was conducted in March 2015 by MTWG. In order to be considered for this project, the families must be currently living along the corridor of the road, pagoda area, canal, and other prioritized development infrastructure project under each commune. “Habitat for Humanity Cambodia is expecting the family selection to be completed, and beneficiaries will be able to build their houses within the 82 land plots in July 2015,” according to Teng Kimsean, Habitat Cambodia Area Program Manager.
This is part of a three-year project, established in 2013 and co-funded by Habitat for Humanity Australia and AusAID, the Clifford Chance Foundation and Habitat for Humanity Canada. The project aims to improve the social and economic environment at village, commune and district levels in Battambang through Social Land Concession. It also aims to promote access to secure land in partnership with state and non-state stakeholders.The project provides housing solutions and support services, with Habitat for Humanity Cambodia leveraging funding for the partnership with Micro Finance Institution (MFI). This partnership supports 100 families living inside and outside the garden area in need of access to housing loans or home improvement loans. Habitat for Humanity Cambodia also provides project beneficiaries housing and home improvement loans through KREDIT, a microfinance institution partner. The partnership enables 100 families to access housing loans.