Building More Community Leaders in Phnom Penh
Bringing more than just houses to home partners, HFH Cambodia Community Organizers conducted a Leadership and Management Training in SenSok village on March 12 and 13.
23 villagers from SenSok, KorkKleang, and Andong attended the training to understand more about leadership and management skills and facilitation skills which they can use to solve problems effectively in their communities. The training also offered the participants the chance to learn how to create development plans to advance their communities and help improve their situations.
Ms. In KimSreng, Habitat home partner shared after the training, “this is a very good training, and I’m very happy to learn how to react to the different situations that affect the way we cooperate with each other in the community. I am also able to learn the qualities of a good leader. I’m very inspired by this class and I’m going to share and practice what I learn with my family at home, my relatives, including my neighbors. I now strongly believe that we can also make big changes.”
Ms. Tech Theavy, the trainer said, “I can see that villagers really pay attention during the class. They freely ask questions based on their day-to-day experiences within their respective communities.”