Chabpdeum Chivet Thmey Training Courses
A series of livelihood and financial trainings were organized by the Chabpdeum Chivet Thmey (CCT) project, one of the HIV OVC shelter-based projects of Habitat Cambodia. The trainings were conducted from October to mid-November to HFH Cambodia home partner families from Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kompong Speu, and Prey Veng.
The five-day training sessions were conducted five times in both Phnom Penh and Prey Veng province to 138 participants. The sessions were focused on development of various skills including financial education, micro-business management and Ecological Chicken Raising.
All the participants were very inspired after the training and truly appreciated the new knowledge they gained that will help lead them to improving their living conditions. Additionally, the trainees committed to apply the skills they learned for their growth – 28 committed to start recording their family incomes and expenses, 110 participants promised to begin raising chicken and 34 aim to have small home-based business.