Customer Satisfaction Survey and Market Mapping
The Market Development team of HFH Cambodia together HFHI Asia Pacific consultant conducted customer satisfaction survey and market mapping on December 15 to 29, 2014 and January 10 to 15, 2015 in Battambang Province. The survey and market mapping exercises were conducted in
six districts such as Battambang, Banan, Thma Koul, Sangkae, Moung Reussei, and Ratanak Mondol.
The HFH survey team met and interviewed First Finance current clients, former clients, credit agents, their staff, including non-clients like masons, construction suppliers, developers, government representatives, banks, other MFIs, NGOs, and water and energy companies.
Results of the survey will be used as a baseline for improving the housing micro-finance products of First Finance as well as activities to develop accompanying non-financial housing services, particularly targeting low-income families in both urban and rural areas in Battambang Province. The product improvement will be piloted in six months, and aimed to be scale up in order to promote access of low-income families to housing micro-finance products.
The survey is in line with the active cooperation between HFH Cambodia and First Finance Plc.