EHOPHHS Training Wrap Up
With the clear objective of providing vulnerable families with better lives in 2012, the EHOPHHS team along with partners, prepared and conducted trainings to HFH Cambodia home partners in the previous month. The accomplished trainings are as follows:
05 to 06 December: EHOPHHS facilitated the Basic Construction training to 25 family members at SEAD’s office in Toul Kork, Phnom Penh. Em Thonnak and Kelvin Au, HFH Cambodia Construction supervisors were the facilitators. The participants learned how to read house designs, basic technical construction techniques, calculate cost estimations, and the importance of site safety.
20 to 23 December: A Family Financial Management and Chicken Raising training was conducted by Sharing Experience and Adapted Development (SEAD) in collaboration with HFH Cambodia. The purpose of the training was to teach the villagers how to improve their income-generation, manage their financial resources and how to analyze and calculate their expenses and savings effectively. The villagers also learned ways of planning for their family’s future. The session also included the agricultural skill where participants were taught how to successfully raise chicken and ducks to help increase their home-base incomes.
26 to 30 December: 30 home partners from Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh participated in this five -day training in facilitated by Khemara and organized by HFH Cambodia. The training is again on income generation particularly about Chicken and Fish Raising. The trainees were taught the right raising methods to help improve their income. Ms. Sao Sophan HFH Cambodia home partner said, “I’m happy that I’m able to join this training. I know nothing about chicken and fish raising before, but I learned a lot now. I will share with my family what I learned from this training and decide whether we will raise fish or chicken. I hope we can start soon. ”