Housing Financing Program
Family Profile
Kuon Earm, 46, and her husband Chhan Seoum, 56, have five daughters; One is married and is living separately with her own family. The other four are living in Thailand working as construction laborers to support the family at home. In addition to this, the family is dependent on farming for their income.
The construction of their home began three years ago, but it has remained unfinished due to lack of funds. To date the house has the foundation, walls, and roof, but they have been unable add windows, doors or finish plastering the walls. Their home is too small for the many family members to live in comfortably. Soon another of Kuon’s daughters will also marry, which will add a family member to the household.
To finish the work on their home and improve their living situation, Kuon approached Habitat Cambodia. After the family completed the application process, Kuon was able to enlarge the house and finish the work through a housing loan provided by Habitat for Humanity Cambodia.
“I am very happy to be able to receive this loan and complete our home before my daughter gets married,” Kuon said. She was excited
to learn that there was a group of volunteers coming from Northern Ireland to support the family in completing their house.