JOIN US and Be Part of the First Habitat Youth Build in Cambodia on April 27
Take action to end poverty housing in Asia-Pacific now. Supporting Habitat Youth BUILD will help families live in decent homes.
The United Nations estimates that more than 500 million people in the Asia-Pacific region live in slums, representing more than half of the world’s slum dwellers.
Habitat Youth BUILD is your opportunity to show solidarity with Habitat’s cause, say NO to inadequate housing, and have a tangible impact on the world.
If you’re 16 to 29 years old and have a passion to leave the world a better place, then we have the perfect opportunity for you. This April 27, hundreds of Cambodian youth will roll up their sleeves in a mass effort to re-build the nation. If you believe that housing in the country could use a massive facelift — join us to build homes for families in need.
The youth of Cambodia will join over 10,000 Habitat for Humanity youth volunteers from 10 countries across Asia-Pacific. This simultaneous multi-country build event will mark Habitat for Humanity’s Youth BUILD campaign that aims to raise funds for, and awareness of, the dire housing situation in the Asia-Pacific region.
T-shirt Design and Vote Challenge
Make a difference! Build homes, communities and hope! Design a themed T-shirt for Habitat Youth BUILD 2013. Stand a chance to win an iPad mini; learn more by visiting this link – http://www.give2habitat.org/hyb/tshirtvote