Ministry of Economic and Finance visits HFH Cambodia project site
Habitat for Humanity Cambodia hosted a group of representatives from the Ministry of Economic and Finance under the leadership of H.E. Ros Seilava, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic and Finance and General Secretary, Steering Committee of the Public Financial Management Reform, in a visit to HFH Cambodia project site and home partners at Trapang Anh Chanh community.
The representatives from Ministry of Economics and Finance aimed to study the Habitat for Humanity housing project in Cambodia. The visitors were highly engaged and asked families about their savings and the impact of their house upon their current socio-economic condition. “The Ministry of Economics and Finance with other relevant ministries are planning to have a social housing program to help the poor in Cambodia,” said Chea Sopheak, Economist at the Ministry of Economic and Finance.
Follow-up discussions are underway between HFH Cambodia and the Ministry of Economics and Finance for a possiple project partnership.