Project Exchange Visit with World Bank and LASED
Ms. Bernadette Bolo-Duthy, HFH Cambodia Country Director joined representatives from World Bank, Ministry of Interior of Cambodia (MOI), and Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction-LASED Project in a 2-day exchange project visit to HFH Cambodia project on Social Land Concession (SLC) in Battambang, Water and Sanitation Project in Siem Reap, and LASED project in Kompong Thom.
The purpose of the project exchange visit is to look deeply into worthy lessons learned and take note of experiences shared by direct project implementers and apply learning for further project improvement. “I learned a lot of new things in this trip such as new and low price technology created by villagers and how loan projects are efficiently and effectively handled by other projects. All in all, it was a successful trip,” Dr. Sareth Boramy shares after the visit.