Sheltering More Families, Building More Communities in 2012
2011 was indeed a great year for HFH Cambodia. We have raised the bar by growing our sheltering efforts and expanding our reach to more vulnerable groups in both in urban and rural communities.
The year was marked by significant developments and activities such as the launch of Enhancing HIV and OVC Programmes with Holistic Housing Solutions supported by the Elton John Aids Foundation, World Bank’s approval of the one year extension of the program on Strengthening Civil Society-Government Partnership to Deliver Land Tenure Security, the evolution of our Housing and Community Development Program, covering more project areas both in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap and the growth of families served in our Water and Sanitation program in Siem Reap – both supported by The Charitable Foundation, and the success of Khmer Harvest Build that allowed us to build homes for families, strengthen our ties with our affiliates, global village volunteers and donors, and build new promising relationships with local private companies, among others.
We also concluded the previous year with the successful implementetaion of our first ever flood response project where we assisted resiliency of 490 families to flood and disaster.
We embrace 2012 with so much fervor as we prepare to implement the extension of our HIV OVC program and gear-up along with HFH Australia for the Hands and Hearts Build and the Hope Journey headed by HFHI CEO Jonathan Reckford. We are excited to host more GV teams in Battambang.
We are grateful for the overwhelming support we have received from you and we look forward to the wealth of new opportunities that await us this year.
2012 will not be successful as we hope it to be without your support. We trust that you will continue to share your resources, time and skills to help us in sheltering more families and building more communities.
Bernadette Bolo-Duthy, Country Director