Skilled Workers’ Refresher Training
To ensure consistent quality of construction work of Habitat Cambodia skilled workers, a one day Refresher Training on Construction Skills was organized by HFH Cambodia Construction team on December 26.
The objectives of the training are to demonstrate basic skills required of a skilled worker for an efficient and effective delivery of alternative solutions to housing needs, demonstrate the values, habits and attitudes that contribute to a supportive, productive and safe working environment, and the application of skills in effective monitoring of construction systems and products.
“It was a really useful training. I regained and I am reminded of a lot of the things I learned before that I may miss out on during some construction work, because I sometimes focus too much on the construction work but not on preparation for the build site. I’m happy that I was given this chance to join the training again. I will make sure I remember everything I was reminded about and make sure that I practice all in every build,” shared Uy Sophon.
The training was attended by 15 skilled workers and including HFH Cambodia Volunteer Program Unit.