Water and Sanitation Exposure Visit
Habitat for Humanity Cambodia team in Siem Reap organized an exposure trip this month aimed at advancing water and sanitation project capacity. WatSan stakeholders such as Sanitation Action Groups (SAGs), School Water Sanitation and Hygiene (SWASH), and local authorities joined the visit to a project by Plan International Cambodia in cooperation with Siem Reap Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD),located in Banteay Srey district. The trip encouraged and motivated the participants to learn best practices from successful Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and Open Defecation Free (ODF) eff orts.
Th e other purpose of the exposure visit is to learn from worthy lessons learned and take note from experiences shared by direct implementers and villagers who now have im-proved living and health conditions due to their creative toilets, hand washing stations, and the knowledge they have strictly put in practice on proper handling of drinking water.
Mr. Samrith Sophat, HFH Cambodia Wat-San CLTS Specialist shared his thoughts after the experience, “Th is one day visit is very useful, the team learned various things including eff ective leadership, a better and more practical way of setting up hand washing station, proper waste management, and demonstration of behaviour change among SAG members and eff ective promotion of latrine construction. The team received a practically reinforcement of its knowledge about the sanitation ladder techniques. We are optimistic we can improve our WATSAN project in our target areas in Siem Reap to strengthen our capabilities of serving our home partners.”